10 Best Anime About Board Games That You Should Watching Update 09/2024

Anime About Board Games

Every anime fan has a favorite, whether it’s Sailor Moon or Attack on Titan. It’s a tabletop experience that brings those stories to life.

Board games come in a variety of genres. Some people love Clue, while others like Monopoly, and a small but dedicated group of players swear by Candyland or LIFE as their favorite board games. Anime aficionados, on the other hand, are a different story. If you’re looking for anything specific, there are a few titles that suit the bill.

It’s like you’re playing a scenario straight out of the screenplay of your favorite anime, complete with all of your favorite tropes. The greatest of the best board games for anime fans to attempt are those we found by doing our best, diving deep into the subject.

1. Attack on Titan: The Last Stand

Attack On Titan

The first is an Attack on Titan-themed board game, which is now the most popular anime in the world. The final season of the anime is now showing, although this board game has been available for quite some time. One person takes on the role of the Titan, while the others take on the role of Scouts in AoT: The Last Stand.

Rolling dice for resources then using those resources in a variety of ways, such as directly attacking the Titan, setting up weaponry, or moving to another place are the bulk of the game’s mechanics. The game is clearly in favor of the Titan, which is at the very least thematically fitting and actually rather appropriate for the show, and while it can be a bit confusing at first, there is a lot here to appreciate.

2. Tragedy Looper

Tragedy Looper is the third game on the list, and while it isn’t based on any specific anime, fans of suspense, horror, or anime that relies heavily on deduction will likely enjoy it. You can either be the “Mastermind” or just a “Player” in this game. There is only one Mastermind, however up to three players can participate.

To play, you will assume the character of a protagonist and work your way through a narrative, moving back in time following key events. For days at a time, you’ll be trying to prevent “tragedies” from happening to important characters as the Mastermind tries to stop you in these time loops (a common pattern in video games). It takes some time to get the hang of Tragedy Looper’s unique features, but once you do, the game’s regulations aren’t too onerous.

3. Cowboy Bebop: Space Serenade

Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop: Space Serenade is one of the best deck-building games ever made. Obviously, this is an anime board game based on the Cowboy Bebop saga, which is a cultural touchstone. That said, the artwork for the pieces, cards, and locales is stunning.

Aside from that, the “reputation points” earned by arresting criminals wanted by the ISSP are a clever way to incorporate anime tropes into the game. If you’re expecting anything more than a spruced-up deck builder, keep in mind that this is still just that, so don’t hold your breath.

4. Naruto Shippuden: The Board Game

Naruto, like Attack on Titan, has numerous card and board games available. Naruto Shippuden: The Board Game is the one we’re going to speak about today, as it’s the most unusual of the lot and also the one that folks who have never heard of the series will appreciate the most.

Your character will be a well-known Konoha figure, and you’ll be tasked with stealing victories away from the Akatsuki in the Shinobi villages. This is a terrific board game at the end. It has some of the same issues as video games and anime adaptations. It is, however, a pleasant co-operative experience that has a number of various ways to play and methods to tweak the game for future playthroughs.

5. Sword Art Online Board Game: Sword of Fellows

Sword Art Online

Taking place in the realm of Aincrad, where Kirito and Asuna are trapped in a virtual reality MMORPG, Sword Art Online: Sword of Fellows takes place in the first season of the game. Every character has a unique talent that relies on dice rolls, and they may chain these attacks together with Kirito, which is a fun mechanic.

Unfortunately, the game shares the same flaws as the anime: an overemphasis on Kirito. It’s a significant drawback that only one person can play as him, and he’s the only one that feels “important” at the end of the game.

6. Death Note: Confrontation

Another Death Note-themed board game for two players, this one based on the popular anime series that was recently banned in Russia. You and a second player can recreate the rivalry between Light Yagami (commonly known as “Kira”) and L in Death Note: Confrontation. For me, the coolest element is that everyone of you has your own “notebook” in this game.

The L player is trying to narrow down the list of possible Kira suspects while the Kira player is trying to keep killing without being caught. It’s a lot of fun, I tell you! Adding Mello and Near for extra 4-player game modes would have been a simple yet welcome addition.

7. Masmorra: Dungeons Of Arcadia

Masmorra Dungeons Of Arcadia

In the same universe as Arcadia Quest, another well-known board game, comes Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia. To level up and progress through the game’s dungeons, you and a group of pals will assume control of many cute characters.

The characters’ design is reminiscent of Maplestory, and the quality of the plastic miniatures is exceptional, especially when compared to the cost of other board games. Masmorra, on the other hand, is a much simpler game than Arcadia Quest, so it’s up to you which one you choose to play.

8. Millennium Blades

The world of Yu-Gi-Oh has always fascinated me. Where else but in the shadow realm would you rather spend your time honing your skills at a card game, summoning demons, and sending people there? Millennium Blades, a board game and CCG simulator, comes the closest to what you’re looking for. As a Millenium Blades master, you’ll need to “purchase” booster packs (as well as follow each season’s meta) in order to rise through the ranks.

The card art is amazing, the mechanics are well-thought out, there are a lot of references and jokes, and it’s a lot of fun to play with other people. The artwork and monster designs aren’t quite up to Yu-Gi-standards, Oh’s but they’re still excellent.

9. Tanto Cuore

Tanto Cuore

If you’re a fan of anime fanservice and deck-building games, then Tanto Cuore is the game for you. There, you play a lord who is seeking to acquire as many maids as possible to become the “King of Maids” by collecting as many as feasible.

Tanto Cuore, on the other hand, features a variety of maid motifs on most of its cards. To be honest, this game is a lot of fun to play, and the artwork for the characters and cards is top-notch. This may not be the best option if you’re looking to play with non-anime fans.

10. Sailor Moon Crystal: Dice Challenge

Finally, we have a Sailor Moon-themed dice game for those who enjoy the series. Since the #SailorMoonRedraw Twitter craze has brought the series back to prominence, it seems like a good moment to bring up this game. It’s all about the dice in Dice Challenge, and there are so many different Sailor Scouts and villains to choose from, each with their own special skills and dice pools.

During this board game, four to eight players will face off against each other head-to-head, rolling dice in an attempt to gain an advantage over your opponent.

We think it’s worth a chance because it’s a fun game with a wide variety of characters.