12 Best Movies About Robots Taking Over That You Should Watching Update 09/2024

Movies About Robots Taking Over

Artificial intelligence can be dangerous, and we’ve seen it in these 12 films.

A Boston Dynamics employee brandishing a hockey stick at the company’s newest next-generation A.I. robot is well-known. Were the robot uprising movies a complete waste of our time? To make things even more frustrating for Atlas, humans don’t seem to be making things any easier for these peace-loving robots.

Atlas is clearly on the path to becoming a sentient being who will control the planet with his cyber-buddies, leaving humanity helpless to stop the attack. They were supposed to open doors after all. That said, the following are the 12 Best Robot Uprising Movies that we should all pay attention to.

1. You have 20 seconds to comply – RoboCop


Developing semi-autonomous robots for law enforcement purposes is nevertheless fraught with peril, as RoboCop quickly illustrates. Things don’t go well for Omni Consumer Products (OCP) when they demonstrate their ED-209 enforcement droid to the board. Old ED, on the other hand, savagely murders one of the board members.

Somebody in the Office of Civil Protection (OCP) had the foresight to know that mixing robot with the deceased officer’s character, Alex Murphy (Peter Weller), reduces the likelihood of the robotic overlord taking control. Until Murphy, now dressed as RoboCop, starts his own insurrection against his corporate creator, this strategy works. And this insurrection is a step in the right direction in the history of robot uprisings.

2. You can’t trust Ava – Ex Machina

Ava (Alicia Vikander) is an A.I. android created by billionaire Nathan (Oscar Isaac), and her employee Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson) is sent to a secret bunker to see if Ava can pass the Turing test and be considered a human being. What might go wrong? Basically, it’s all there is.

This debut by Alex Garland sees Ava outsmart everyone, kill her creator, and lock Caleb in a bunker while she evades capture in the outside world. Humanity and the things we make are the subject of much discussion in this cerebral thriller. The moral of the story: keep your blades hidden.

3. The little robot that could – WALL-E


Is there anyone who wasn’t enthralled by Wall-mechanical E’s love story? In addition to being a cute couple, WALL-E and EVE are also a clever one. If humanity is threatened by the return of a dystopian Earth, two love birds inadvertently start a robot revolt of their own, unleashing a decrepit army of bots that help them rescue the day.

Auto (voiced by Sigourney Weaver), the ship’s wicked computer, may simply be following her instructions, but sentient robots like WALL-E and EVE know better, potentially suggesting that a robot rebellion isn’t always a bad thing.

4. First robot on the – Moon

Moon, Duncan Jones’ 2009 indie sci-fi thriller, tells the story of Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell), an astronaut who works in a lunar mining station. It was a critical success. His only companion, an artificial intelligence (AI) robot dubbed GERTY, appears to be concealing the truth about their presence on the moon. Sam is only able to get around GERTY’s unique feature, which is a small screen that shows smiley (or frowny) face emoticons, by tricking the robot.

This shows that you can trust a computer with a happy face, regardless of the robot’s initial programming.

5. The end of the world – The World’s End

The World's End

Aliens called androids have taken over the world of Edgar Wright’s The World’s End, replacing the humans that once inhabited it, according to strict adherence to the storyline. There is still a great deal of fear and difficulty for Simon Pegg and Nick Frost’s characters to deal with as they prepare for the impending rebellion.

It is perhaps the most defining moment of The World’s End’s near-uprising that the androids are first shown to be humanoid, pieced-together dolls filled with blue goo in the bar toilet fight. With a little improvised martial arts action, the end of the world can at least be halted.

6. A Bleak Future – X-Men: Days of Future Past

What goes from bad to worse is the creation of a Sentinel army by Dr. Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage), who uses DNA from shape-shifting Mystique to enhance the abilities of his robot Sentinels to hunt and eliminate mutants (Jennifer Lawrence).

After this all takes place in the 1970s, the Sentinels desire full-on mutant and mutant-ally dominion by the time the future arrives. Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) can only save the day and alter this dismal destiny Earth has found itself in if he travels back in time. After defeating Bolivar and the Sentinels, the X-Men may have unintentionally set themselves on a darker road. X-Men

7. A robot may not harm a human – I, Robot

I, Robot

Robot uprisings are sometimes orchestrated by a central artificial intelligence rather than the robots themselves. In Alex Proyas’ I, Robot, this is the situation. It’s here that an AI computer known as VIKI, who works for a company that sells helper humanoid robots to the general public, takes over mankind.

As always, humans are to blame because they programmed VIKI and the robots with Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics. In this case, the savior once again is a well-intentioned human — kudos toWill Smith!

8. When robots ride horseback – Westworld

To many moviegoers, Westworld, a sci-fi western written and directed by Jurassic Park scribe Michael Crichton, was terrifying because it depicted futuristic theme parks populated by human-like androids. The androids (surprise, surprise) start killing guests when they malfunction.

When it comes to computer-generated imagery on the big screen, Westworld was a pioneer in the early days of digital film scanning and printing. HBO is adapting Westworld into a TV series that will air later this year, so you’ll be able to visit the realm once more.

9. The Matrix has you – The Matrix

The Matrix

In order for us humans to avoid constructing intelligent machines, we need to quit using our bodies’ bioelectricity as a source of power. According to The Wachowski Brothers, that’s what happens in The Matrix. In the meantime, we might look forward to a kind of suspended pacification that only a few understand can be escaped.

We learn very little about how humans produced and lost control of the AI robots in The Matrix, and how the resulting turmoil (there’s always ensuing chaos) unfolded in The Matrix’s robot revolt aspects. The Animatrix, a collection of animated cartoons, explores how mankind, as always, brought this on themselves.

10. Must be expensive – Blade Runner

Is Harrison Ford a genetically produced humanoid, a replicant, or something else entirely? I don’t know about you, but I don’t see Blade Runner’s protagonist, John McClane, as a leader of a rebellion. Roy (Rutger Hauer) leads a group of replicants who find they have just a four-year lifetime and “demand more life.” Who wouldn’t want that?

Because replicants are faster, stronger, and more agile than humans, it turns out that simply letting the clock run out is an effective strategy for averting disaster. At the very least, until the projected 2018 release of Blade Runner 2.

11. Come with me if you want to survive the robot uprising – The Terminator films

The Terminator films

Terminator 2: Judgment Day director James Cameron certainly didn’t envision us battling Skynet in more films and television series years after the first Terminator and its sequel, Terminator 2: Apocalypse (and that Arnold Schwarzenegger would still be in them). It’s just that neither we nor Arnie can manage to stop the inevitable chaos that results from creating self-aware computer systems.

In other words, what makes this series so beloved and long-lived? As a result of our need for meaningful connections with others and our reliance on modern technologies, many people have developed a strong sense of self-reflection. “It is in your nature to destroy yourselves,” declares the Terminator himself in the sequel. Great.

12. Hal’s in and out of control – 2001: A Space Odyssey

While Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey revolutionized the way computers were depicted on screen, it also revealed how psychotic man-made technology can be, even if it’s simply a glowing red light. When the ship’s computer, HAL 9000, concludes that astronauts on a Jupiter trip are not following the plan, that’s when the light goes on.